At least, one can only hope.
So, I've been writing since I was a child. Whether I'm any good, or not, remains to be seen. This, however is my first blog. I've never been a big performer on the social media stage... for many reasons, but one being that I never thought what I have to say would be interesting to anyone. When the publishing company told me I'd have to change all that, inwardly, I groaned. (As I did when they told me I'd have to provide a photo of myself.)
When I got the email that Fundamentally Flawed had printed and was ready to ship, I knew it was time for me to stop groaning and start socializing. Even as I write this now, I feel the proverbial butterflies in my stomach, and I realize that's its not so much the issue that no one will be interested in what I have to say as it is that people will be critical of it. It's hard to open up yourself, your life, your experiences, your opinions-- everything that makes you the person you are to the censure of others. It's a frightening prospect, and one I have to wonder if I'm prepared for.
But I guess the question I really have to ask myself is, do I believe in this work? The answer is, without a doubt, unequivocally, unflinchingly, YES! It took me four months, start to finish to write this book, and throughout it all, I felt God's guiding and leading so strongly and undeniably that to doubt it was His words I wrote, and His ideas that flowed would be insanity. After all, I'm not THAT clever... just ask my husband!!
If I believe that this book is God's work, then what do I have to fear? The critical naysayers will come-- they must-- but, if Fundamentally Flawed is able to deliver just one woman whose infertility makes her life feel hopelessly bleak and unbearable, as mine once did, then I will count it among the greatest successes of my life. So to the naysayers, I will only say, as Paul did in Romans 8:31, "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"
So, here I go, out into the deep, endless, and turbulent waters of society, confident in one thing: my God is always with me, and He will never let me fall.
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